Thursday, February 15, 2007

Winter 2007

Hello All, Welcome to our Blog...where you see Natalie grow through pictures. We had a wonderful holiday season. Natalie made out very well...she is so loved. She is doing great and very healthy. She has 4 beautiful teeth and with each day learning new ways to use them...some in which I don't like. We are working on that. :) She is trying so hard to walk. She pushes her walker all around the house and looks up at whoever might be watching with anticipation of claps and cheers. She stands alone, but is not ready to take off quite yet. We are all wondering when she might get hair, but we are not holding our breaths (we like hair bows). With her 1 year birthday approaching, we sit back, reminisce and wonder where the year went. What a glorious year full of many cherished memories.
We are so thankful to be able to share some of those "captured" memories with you.
My favorite place to play while mom is cooking dinner.

I Love my Daddy!!!

Ok, Mom.....enough (but isn't she so cute!!!)

We snapped this photo on our way home from DuBois, WY...the Tetons

A fun New Year's Eve gettaway in DuBois, stepbrother, Lonnie, was singing here at the lodge and managed to hook us up with 7 new snowmobiles....I think Chad wants one now.

Aunt Ashley and her brother Eric standing outside in the FREEZING front of our little was so cozy.

I got to play with ALL the bows after opening Christmas presents...what fun..who needs toys.

Me and my cousin

I feel like a marshmallow!! Get me out of this think mom!!

Daddy is doing everthing he can to get me to smile (she must have known we were on our way to church and the amount of people who were going to have to see her in this sweater...:) Actually it is quite beautiful and she did eventually smile. I think this photo is priceless though.