Monday, January 21, 2008

January 2008

Happy New Year!!! We are all doing great. I am feeling well and 5 months along already. For anyone wondering what we are having....we won't be finding out. It will be another surprise. If the baby is a boy...Daddy will be making a quick stop at the store. Natalie is almost 22 months old and talking up a storm. She likes to repeat Mom and Dad. She knows there is a baby in my belly and keeps saying it is a girl (I don't know how much she really understands...but we are listening to her intuition).

5 months

Showing our bellies

Pine, ID
Our Lil' Chiropractor

Sledding with Auntie Ash

The family

I LOVE (helpless) Kittens

I am not to happy...with leaves all over me..

Halloween---Pink Poodle

When we went and saw Uncle Jared and Aunt Stef we saw these beautiful Elk!!