Friday, October 24, 2008

September 2008

Hello All, We closed the office for a week and met our friend's Scott and Stephani in Lake of the Ozarks. We had such a fun, relaxing time and wanted to share some of our photos!!
I had to share some pictures of homes on the shoreline of the lake. There were 100's of homes like this...WOW and to think they are 2nd homes.

The kids enjoying our BBQ on the Pontoon Boat

Dean, Jake, Scott, Chad, Natalie and Dallan
(Chad is fishing and Dean is grilling)
Lunch on the Lake
...not to mention the toys

Caters and Nielsons

The Toys

The Cater's Lake house

Floating with Daddies

Wide eyed and bushy tailed....after 12 hours in an airport....thank goodness Mommy fought the ladies at Delta and got us a motel room.

Miss Natalie with the Chicken Pox!!! Yeah!!!! She is naturally immunized.
Flower Girl Natalie - she did her job...she did great!!!

Elisa (our exchange student from Spain) and little Miss

Me and My Brother!!

1 comment:

3LittleByrds said...

Looks like yall had lots of fun. I can't believe how big the kids are getting already. Wish I could see them. Hugs.

Your friend in Fla,